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Reduce certain viruses and bacteria in indoor air, providing a cleaner environment for everyone.
Odors causing a stink in your building? Solve odor issues quickly and quietly.
A fresh solution to indoor air quality issues. Create cleaner, healthier buildings with GPS Air.
Don't let dirty coils drain your energy. Keep coils cleaner and more efficient with GPS Air.
Click below to hear about the positive impacts of our technology in healthcare and K-12.
From viruses to particulates, odors to dirty coils, tackling your indoor air problems is now easier than ever.
Our patented technologies reduce particles in the air and enhance systems efficiency.
Navigate our collection of tailored solutions engineered to efficiently and effectively improve indoor air quality.
Your filters are underperforming. Opti-Lok devices are designed to be paired with air filters to improve particle removal, and allow you to get the most out of your filters.
In-space positive and negative soft ionization devices for microbe control, particle reductions and odor mitigation.
Microbe build up in your coils can force your system to run harder, consuming more energy. Our iMod devices help get more out of your system by keeping your coils cleaner longer.
Explore third-party, independent testing on soft ionization and improved indoor air quality.
Find the answer you're looking for with easy-to-use videos, installation guides, and manuals.
Upgrade your GPS Solution limited warranty to 3 years for free by simply registering now.
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For more information about purchasing GPS products, call (980) 279-5622.